“Anomie” is centered on Michael, a middle-aged professor and writer. After a series of tragedies, he seeks closure by traveling to China. The story follows his journey through loss, forgiveness, and belonging.
“Places where I’ve lived and visited can be found throughout the story. For about one-third of my adult life, I have lived internationally, as a soldier, Fulbright Scholar, Peace Corps volunteer, and teacher/lecturer,” said Lockwood.
Lockwood was living in Shanghai when he decided to write a novel, but he found that the city had too much stimulation for him to concentrate on writing. However, he was able to write a 1,000 word short story, which eventually became “Anomie”.
Lockwood also pursued a Master's degree in Blindness and Low studies, where he worked in the blindness rehabilitation center.
“Anomie” is published by Harvard Square Editions. To learn more or obtain a copy, click here.