Economic Expert | WMU Alumni Skip to main content

Economic Expert

Economic Expert
Shalom Williams (MA ’05, Applied Economics) works for the Bureau of Labor Statistics as an economist— he is also the national women’s earning technical expert. He began at the Bureau in 2006 and was appointed the technical expert in 2010.

Although Williams describes his job as more of a computer programmer, his office produces a monthly statistic to which many people pay very close attention. “My department produces the monthly national unemployment rate. So, that number comes out on the first Friday of the month, I take part in producing ‘the number.”

Williams can directly tie his studies at WMU to the work he’s doing now, right down to the course numbers, “In this competitive job market, it is important to obtain a proactive degree—equipping you with the tools needed to gain employment—and not a reactive degree—finding out you are missing key skills and abilities after graduation. Although I was not privy to that knowledge at the time, the required and elective coursework in my program made my applied economics degree proactive.”

After graduation, Williams worked as a temp, allowing him to travel the country. He instructed math for pre-college programs at U of M Flint. Prior to receiving his degree from WMU, Williams worked for the Boy Scouts of America, Citizens Savings and Commercial Bank, taught adult education for Mott Community College, and was a substitute teacher for the Flint and Beecher Community Schools.

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