Reporting from Iraq | WMU Alumni Skip to main content

Reporting from Iraq

Reporting from Iraq
Ben Lando, a WMU alum (BS ’05, Col. of Arts & Sciences) is the world’s leading reporter on Iraq energy issues. Based in Baghdad, Iraq since July 2009 — Ben founded the Iraq Oil Report — an online news site covering the Iraq story with an eye on the country’s oil sector. He also does freelance work for some major news outlets like The Wall Street Journal, TIME, Platts and The Washington Times. Prior to living in Iraq, Ben spent three years as reporter and then energy editor at United Press International based in Washington, DC and has been published in The Jerusalem Post and World Politics Review. He’s reported from all over the world from places such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the UK — to name a few. Ben’s work has been included in testimony to Congress and cited in letters of members of congress to the U.S. Secretary of State.

Do you think Ben can do something about our gas prices??!!

Ben got his taste for reporting right at WMU where he spent two years as a columnist at the Western Herald and held numerous positions at WMU’s student-run radio station 89.1 WIDR, including reporter, anchor, news magazine host, News Director and General Manager. In Kalamazoo he was also a freelance reporter for The Kalamazoo Gazette, Battle Creek Enquirer, WMUK, and WKMI/WKFR/WRKR.

Check out Ben’s website — Iraq Oil Report.