Student Affairs in Malaysia | WMU Alumni Skip to main content

Student Affairs in Malaysia

Student Affairs in Malaysia

“I always consider myself as a people person,” Professor Mohd Tajudin Ninggal (M.A.’94, Counselor Education; Ed.D. ’98) says. “I like to work with young people and motivate them to excel in life.”

Tajudin was a college senior when he attended a talk by WMU Professor John Geisler at the Universiti Putra Malaysia and became inspired to attend WMU to study student affairs. After completing his Master’s degree at WMU, he decided to stay for his doctoral studies.

As a student at WMU, Tajudin participated in the International Food Festival and fondly remembers being President of the Malaysian student organization and being invited to have tea with President and Mrs. Haenicke in their home. He also marched in the Parade of Nations during Homecoming.

“I proudly waved my Malaysian flag to the thousands of roaring spectators,” he said. “I felt our country was being appreciated and my presence felt at WMU.”

Since returning to Malaysia, Tajudin has remained connected to WMU in many ways -- through former professors and friends, a strong alumni network, and several visits to campus including one for his son’s commencement ceremony in 2011. Aside from his son, he has convinced nephews, cousins, and friends to study at Western.

In May, Tajudin deepened that connection when he hosted 12 graduate students from the WMU Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology (College of Education and Human Development) at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Johor Bahru, where he is a counseling psychology professor and the Past-Provost of Student Affairs. 

Accompanied by WMU faculty members Dr. Eric Archer and Dr. Ramona Lewis, WMU students met with local grad students, toured the campus, and were briefed by Tajudin on the topic of “Managing Student Affairs and Diversities in Malaysia.”

“The purpose of this short-term program was to explore higher education in the two countries and for students to participate in a number of cultural experiences,” Archer explained. The trip included stops in Singapore and Malaysia during early to mid-May 2016.

“During the trip we visited Yale-NUS (Singapore); Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - UTM (Johor Bahru) - where Dr. Ninggal is on faculty; Universiti Malaya - UM in Kuala Lumpur; Heriot-Watt University in Putrajaya; and Sunway University in Bandar Sunway,” Archer said. “Additionally, the study abroad group hosted an alumni reception for WMU graduates living in Malaysia, which was attended by approximately 40 alums.”

“Even though the visit was short, it was filled with sweet and valuable memories to be treasured,” Tajudin said. “For sure, the experiential learning has expanded and broadened the students' perspectives about diversity and life. Not to forget they have had lots of fun, too!”

Professor Tajudin is pictured above (center) with the WMU students, Dr. Archer, and Dr. Lewis.